Welcome to the sixth episode of a very exciting project, in which I, your host Christopher Crowson, a participant of the Birthright Armenia program, am conducting interviews with my fellow Birthright Armenia volunteers. In these interviews, I hope to get our listeners acquainted with the Gyumri volunteers, see what they are doing here in Armenia and see what kind of insights they can offer us into life in Gyumri and Armenia today.
In today’s episode we are joined by Katrina Popovian, our first guest from the dazzling city of Los Angeles (one had to come eventually!). Born in the infamous Glendale but raised in the San Fernando Valley, the lovely Katrina has just graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles with a degree in economics. Feeling somewhat lost following her departure from university, Katrina decided that the time was right to spread her wings and embark on her journey of self-discovery in Armenia.
In this feel-good yet thought-provoking episode, Katrina talks about the tight-knit Birthright community here in Gyumri, the warmth and love she has experienced when interacting with the locals and the unexpected evolution of her cultural identity and language skills since her arrival in Armenia. Katrina, thank you for your insights, it was a pleasure speaking with you!